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Training and Assessment Policy and Strategies

Updated Jun 2020, Dec 2020, Reviewed Jun 2021, Dec 2021, Updated Jun 2022, Reviewed Jul 2023, Dec 2023

Training and Assessment Policy Statement

ACCM College, through its Training and Assessment Policy, will:

  • Ensure that it provides high quality training and assessment services to students and clients
  • Treat compliance with Standards 1 and 2 of the Standards for RTOs as minimum benchmarks
  • Implement processes to evaluate and improve training and assessment practices
  • Implement resource management techniques to ensure that the needed high quality resources are available to support training and assessment practices
  • Manage staff training and assessment qualifications and vocational competencies to ensure regulatory standards are met and high quality services are delivered to students
  • Deliver the requirements of Training Packages and also associated regulatory guides
  • Provides students and clients with customised training and assessment plans/strategies

Training and Assessment Policy Details

  • Responsive to Industry and Learner Needs

    At enrolment the qualification chosen will be customised to meet the student and client needs by selection of the best suited range of elective subjects.

    Where possible, generic subjects like communication and customer service will also be adjusted to be industry specific options such as Key Communication Skills in Medical Administration.

    College Validation and Industry Engagement processes will directly inform the content of learning and assessment materials to ensure industry relevance and currency.

  • Skilled Trainers and Assessors

    ACCM College ensures it has sufficient, skilled trainers and assessors by:

    • Focusing recruitment efforts on obtaining industry experienced experts who would be suited to roles where they can share their knowledge and expertise with ACCM learners
    • Having structured and meaningful staff training and professional development plans and activities
    • Emphasising skills development in training and assessment activities as part of staff PD programs
    • Implementing internal quality assurance and audit processes
    • Managing student enrolment forecasts to predict staffing needs
    • Implementing work practices to enable staff to support one another and ensure students have access to multiple trainers and assessors
  • Determining Student Special Needs at Enrolment Application Stage

    a) Prior to commencement of a course ACCM College will undertake an Initial Skills Assessment that includes identifying any LLND or special needs of each individual.

    b) In the case of employment based enrolments such as traineeships, ACCM College will work in conjunction with workplace supervisors to identify and address any individual learning needs.

  • Quality Learning Materials that Receive Great Reviews

    Our step by step course materials have been written by our own industry experts to give learners the most relevant and useful information needed.

    The online resources provide industry insight and understanding by simplifying industry jargon and concepts, and focusing on current real world business practices.

    We pride ourselves on providing high quality learner resources that set our learners up for success.

    ACCM College students have the opportunity to give us immediate subject feedback and feedback to the assessor upon submission, so we always have the opportunity to become even better.

  • Access to Course Materials

    All of the course materials are accessed and completed online, allowing learners to complete subjects at a time and place that suits.

    Webclass login details are provided via email within an hour of enrolling.

    On Webclass learners can:

    • Access online learning and assessment materials 24/7
    • Submit assessments, view assessment results and assessor feedback
    • Update contact details



  • Computer and Internet Requirements

    ACCM's delivery method is online, requiring our learners to have the appropriate resources and information technology systems to ensure quality training and assessment delivery.

    This includes:

    • Access to a Desktop Computer or Laptop
    • Some course work may be completed via mobile devices
    • Internet access with Internet Explorer 8+, Chrome or Firefox
    • Microsoft Office 2010 Word (or higher) and subject specific Microsoft Office products for chosen electives (i.e. Excel or PowerPoint)

    Each Course page on this website contains the specific requirements needed for that qualification under "Computer and Internet Requirements."


  • Webclass Security Questions

    The Rules of Evidence under the 2015 Standards for Registered Training Organisations require all RTOs to ensure the Authenticity, Currency, Validity and Sufficiency of our student’s work using a variety of methods.

    What is Authenticity?

    The ability to verify that the person who is enrolling, training and assessing is the same person that will be issued with a qualification or statement of attainment.

    For more information on the Rules of Evidence, you can visit our published policy here: /our-college/policies/tas/ under ACCM Quality Assurance (QA) Requirements.

    As part of your enrolment process you will provide the answers to three (choosing from eight) Secret Questions.

    As you progress in your studies, a secret question will be randomly asked while you are answering questions in an assessment.

    This is to verify that it is you answering the questions.

    Please understand, there will have been no cause to doubt that it is you, however the rules of authenticity require us to periodically verify the authenticity of our students in a practical way.

    You will have up to three attempts to answer the question correctly.

    If a you answer the question incorrectly too many times, you will be returned to the enrolment overview page and see a banner informing you to contact the College to have the assessment unlocked.

    Once you have had your questions unlocked by an ACCM staff member, the system will ask you to re-enter your question answers when you log back on.

    If you have any questions at all, give the College a call and we'll do all we can to help.


  • Meeting Training Package Requirements

    ACCM will ensure that all subjects in a given qualification address the requirements of their relevant Training Package.

    This includes:

    • Virtual computer access for IT students to complete required industry relevant case studies and practical activities
    • Access to legislation and regulatory information eg ASIC RG146
    • Simulated workplace environments that we have confirmed with industry are realistic, up to date and relevant
    • Use of case studies that address specific industry requirements and practices
    • Having communication skills assessment components in the assessment tools
    • Offering RPL options
  • Training and Assessment Strategies

    a) The strategy or approach to how we deliver training and conduct assessments is determined in response to client needs.

    b) Typically a new program commences by a discussion with the prospective client about their needs. In response ACCM College will document its understanding of the needs and propose a strategy (or strategy options) to the client and seek further input or agreement from the client. Once the client agrees to one of the proposals, the finer details of the strategy are agreed to.

    c) The Strategy will address the relevant qualification, relevant units (subjects), mode of delivery and logistics related to the same, the learning and assessment materials and assessment processes. In addition, specific aspects like timetabling of learning and assessment and any adjustments to learner material or assessments will be agreed to. Logistical details are recorded at client level in the ACCM College Dashboard so that this information is available to ACCM staff as needed.

    d) ACCM College details of staff approved to train and assess specific subjects is maintained in the ACCM Dashboard, which records vocational and industry qualifications and PD. In addition, any agreed ACCM College staff member who will take on a client/program specific role is identified in Dashboard under that client/program.

    e) A formal Training and Assessment Strategy document as such does not exist as one document. It is made up of a number of documents and Dashboard selection fields that address the timetabling, staffing and resourcing of that program, the assessment methodologies, learning resources and specific client requests.

    f) Training and Assessment Strategies are supported by the Training and Assessment Policy.

  • Offering and Publicising RPL

    a) Published information available to students such as this website, Student Handbook and Webclass (the student portal) will explain RPL. The RPL application for each unit of competency is available in Webclass. A summary application is available in "Forms" on this website.

    b) In the Induction/Welcome first contact calls to students via Service One, staff will confirm that the student is aware of RPL and ascertain if they will be applying.

    c) The Initial Skills Assessment and enrolment data will show if the student has undertaken prior formal studies and also provides information how to access the USI portal to allow ACCM College access to their records (or how to provide a transcript).

    d) An automated email is sent to all learners post-induction from the CEO to encourage them to apply for RPL if appropriate.

  • RPL Assessment Process

    a) Suitably industry experienced and qualified Assessors will undertake the RPL assessment.

    b) RPL on the basis of work experience and portfolio (as opposed to Credit Transfers for past studies) will be reviewed and authorised by a Director or CEO who holds the unit TAEASS504 Develop and Implement Recognition Strategies (as recommended under the NSW Recognition Framework).

    c) Students will be advised in writing of the result.

    d) Normal assessment would take 14 days, but may take as long as 30 days depending on complexity and other workloads.

    e) Assessment includes activities to confirm authenticity of any submitted evidence. A third party report or statement will not, in isolation, be treated as adequate evidence of authenticity.

  • Continuous Improvement and Quality Assurance Processes

    ACCM College has a wide range of continuous improvement systems that allow accurate determination of current standards and the ability to identify ways to improve our future performance.

    These include:

    Student Subject Feedback

    • Direct instant student feedback forms on Webclass on each subject. They have specific questions about the learning resources and assessments that ask for ratings. There are also free text comment sections. 
    • A curriculum designer reviews the feedback and identifies the action required.
    • The overall rating for that subject from all students that have completed that subject (and specific ratings and comments) is calculated as a percentage available for management to set revision priorities and staff to review for validation or update activities.
    • Validation priorities are informed by the ratings - with low ratings triggering a higher review priority.
    • The rating level percentage of each student is visible to their Student Adviser so that specific questions can be asked about how to best meet that students needs.



    Assessor Observations

    • ACCM College Assessors can lodge "issues" against that subject which will then be investigated and prioritised.
    • High priority issues will trigger a subject to be revised immediately
    • Low priority issues will be addressed immediately if able to be done or at the next subject validation


    Client Feedback

    • Client requests that can be immediately addressed will trigger an update to that client groups Training and Assessment Strategy
    • Other client requests would be prioritised in our systems as either a subject "issue" or a "project"
    • Industry input is regularly requested as part of subject revisions. Where practical written commentary on draft resources is obtained from clients.
    • Where appropriate client meetings are conducted to debrief the current or last delivery program and identify changes for the future


    Validation / Moderation Activities

    • ACCM College Trainers and Assessors are scheduled as part of their professional development to participate in validation sessions.
    • A key aspect of the validation session is to confirm consistency of assessor "marking". This ensures students of reliability between the marking approaches of different assessors.
    • Refer to the Validation Policy


     Subject Legislative Impacts

    • ACCM College subjects are "tagged" with the range of legislation that applies to that subject. 
    • When that legislation is amended this allows all subjects affected to be immediately updated


    Internal Audits including Marking Audits

    • Training Plan completion audits are undertaken to ensure that staff are making proper efforts to identify learner needs and customise their training and assessment and support provided
    • Assessment standards are in place. These are used as the benchmark for monthly audits to determine assessing quality. ACCM manager audit 1-2 assessments per month and feedback is available to staff via our Dashboard system.
    • Failure to make regular contact to students is identified by the College system, ensuring that students are not missed or forgotten


    Staff Monitoring and Supervision

    • ACCM College trainers and assessors work in small teams with close access to their Team Leader. This facilitates support and day to day training and improvement.
    • With student consent, call monitoring will be undertaken to enable new staff to actively listen in to student interactions with experienced staff while they are being trained.
    • Also with student consent, call recording can be implemented if that level of staff supervision is needed.


    ACCM College Procedures

    • ACCM College has standard procedures for most key activities.
    • Staff have access to these either as published on the website, staff Quick Help or the internal Knowledge Base.  In some cases their Dashboard provides a workflow and list of procedures and steps to be undertaken to complete a specific task.
    • At staff meetings staff are actively encouraged to identify improvements in current procedures
    • Specific staff may be assigned a "project" to review an existing procedure and recommend improvements


  • ACCM Quality Assurance (QA) Requirements

    Quality Assurance Policy

    ASQA Standards for RTOs (2015), as well as various State-level compliance factors, require all RTOs to adhere to the Rules of Evidence.

    Specific information on these Rules can be found here:

    Essentially, the Rules of Evidence requires RTOs to ensure for elements:


    The assessor must be assured that the student has the skills, knowledge, and attributes as described in the unit of competency and associated assessment requirement.


    The assessment must be assured that the quality, quantity, and relevance of the assessment evidence enable a judgement to be made of a student’s competency.


    The assessor must be assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the student’s own work.


    The assessor must be assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency.  This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past.


    Implementing the ACCM QA Program

    As part of ACCM’s ongoing quality assurance program aligned with the Rules of Evidence, a learner’s recent submission(s) may be reviewed by another assessor or selected for further assessment.

    The purpose of a further assessment review is to ensure completion of our assessment materials has achieved the required level of demonstrable competence in the unit/s undertaken.

    This QA verification will be achieved through a 20-30 minute Competency Conversation, where one of our assessors will conduct a verbal discussion with the learner regarding key points, questions or elements of their assessment submission. 

    The assessor will verify that the learner is not logged onto their Webclass account for the duration of the conversation, to ensure the depth of the learner’s competency.

    Topics will be drawn from the assessment questions previously completed by the learner, relating to the Units of Competency addressed in the selected Subject.

    The results of this Competency Conversation will provide ACCM with additional validity, authenticity, sufficiency and currency of the learner’s skills and knowledge.

    Competency Conversation results may also identify areas where additional learning and/or further assessment is required. At that point, the learner will be given the opportunity to conduct further learning opportunities and re-attempt identified assessment activities.

Training and Assessment Strategy for Online Delivery via Webclass

  • About the Online Course Training and Delivery Strategies

    Training and Assessment Strategies and practice are the approach of, and method adopted by, an RTO with respect to training and assessment designed to enable learners to meet the requirements of the training package or accredited course. [Glossary, Users’ Guide to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015, ASQA]

    This document therefore describes the way ACCM College delivers training, and assesses student competency, where the students are enrolled in any online qualification.

  • Qualification Details

    Qualification Title: Each qualification is described on this website using its national code and name.

    Qualification Code: Each qualification is described on this website using its national code and name.

    Qualification Rules: Each qualification has "packaging" rules that specify the number of units of competency, which are core, which are electives and any specific rules applicable to the selection of electives. These are available at . 

    ACCM College Course and Subject Structure: ACCM College offers "subjects" as the way a student is informed about, and can select, the content of their qualification.

    Each qualification has been designed by ACCM College to group or "cluster" units of competency into a "subject" where it makes sense to train and assess that "subject" together.

    Subjects may have one or multiple units of competency in them.

    Subjects that contain a core unit are set by ACCM College as compulsory for all students.

    Subjects may have a Core unit and elective units within them. In that case ACCM College will require the elective unit to count towards the Training Package elective options.

    A student can request to take another elective unit instead of one clustered in a subject with a core, but they would still have to do the whole subject in any case. The student will still be registered in the elective unit that is clustered with the core unit and given a formal result for that unit in most cases.

    The website publishes for each course the compulsory subjects and also the number of electives needed. The number of electives needed may vary based on the number of units within each subject and also any specific rules about "groups" of electives in the packaging rules.

    Electives, where they meet packaging rules, can also be chosen from other ACCM College courses.